



GHB - Canada.ca

GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is a substance naturally present in your body. It acts as a depressant, slowing and calming the activity of your nervous system. In Canada, doctors …


GHB - Canada.ca

GHB Drug: Effects, Hazards & Methods of Abuse - Drugs.com

GHB - Canada.ca

GHB Drug: Effects, Hazards & Methods of Abuse - Drugs.com

GHB can have an addictive potential if used repeatedly. Withdrawal effects may include insomnia, anxiety, tremors, sweating, increased heart rate and blood pressure, or …

GHB是什麼?讓我們一窺這種藥物的起源、作用,以及 …

人造ghb通常是口服的液體型態,有鎮靜抑制的作用。它的效用依劑量而分,可能會產生快感、降低抑制力、導致意識不清,甚至是死 …


gaba是一类抑制性神经递质。它减少神经活动,产生放松带来欣快感。而ghb受体研究则较为有限,激动ghb受体可能作用于谷氨酸的释放,产生刺激,增加神经 …

GAMMA-HYDROXYBUTYRATE (GHB) - Uses, Side Effects, and …

GHB is unsafe and illegal for use as a dietary supplement. It can cause many serious side effects including hallucinations , confusion, memory loss , coma , and death.


GHB Effects: Physical Side Effects, Overdose and Withdrawal

Most people take GHB recreationally for the euphoric and calming effects it produces at low doses. But larger doses of the drug can cause loss of consciousness …

RACGP - Management of gamma hydroxybutyrate use

Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is an illicit drug commonly used in music festival, party and ‘chemsex’ settings. Most people who use GHB do so occasionally, without dependent …

GHB | Gouvernement du Québec - Quebec.ca

Le gamma-hydroxybutyrate, ou GHB, appartient à la catégorie des dépresseurs. Il agit sur le système nerveux central en engourdissant le cerveau et en ralentissant le …

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